Sep 4, 2008

11 years and Counting!

Mark and I celebrated 11 years on Aug 30! Hard to believe it has been that long! It hasn't always been easy, but hey who was it that said, it wouldn't be easy, but it would be worth it! It had truly been worth it! Kelsy Zimmerman gave me the idea of writing 11 reasons why I love goes! Not in any particular order!

1. He thinks I am the most beautiful person (even when I have been sick all day and haven't showered for 2 days) that's love~

2. He has helped given 5 beautiful kids!

3. He was a great example of the church and has given me the gospel in my life, and an eternal family!

4. He is a priesthood holder in our home and helps out with his blessings!

5. He is patient with me! Boy I have needed that!

6. Mark is a very hard worker! He will do what it takes for the job to get done and bills to be paid~

7. He is always willing to help with the kids. It's rare now, that I have to ask him to help, he usually sees what needs to happen and does it! (poopy diapers and all).

8. He has made it possible for me to open my store. He stays home with the kids when I am working, so we don't need daycare! I wouldn't have the store if my kids had to go to daycare~

9. He is willing to clean up throw up! I CAN'T or I WILL throw up too.

10. He is a great dad!

11. He is always willing to help, no matter what the reason someone calls!

I have loved the last 11 years and am looking forward to the next 11 years~


Janetlee said...

Those are all great reasons. I would add to the list by saying, "He smiles a lot and he has a great smile."

Things I love about Danette:

Looks like a million bucks 24/7

Makes me feel like a million bucks.

Love you both.

Jennifer Nielson said...

Hope you did something fun for the big day! Mark is a fantastic would be fun to read 11 reasons why Mark loves Danette...


Blake and Rhonda said...

That is a fun idea. Congrats! What is your store and do you have a website for it?