Jun 30, 2008


I was going through my pictures that I uploaded from my camera, and I found this one of Tyson! Tyson is almost 4. He makes me smile and gives me a lot of joy! About 2 years ago, was the time he stopped breathing on me and I had to call 911 and the ambulance came and a long story short....he is fine now. I still find myself going in his room in the middle of the night to check on him and make sure he is breathing. Moms can relate to that. As I think back to the time that I thought I was losing a child...my heart stops. Sometimes we need the reminder of what is important. Is it a clean house, laundry done, dinner in the oven on time...or is it the time we take to PLAY with our kids and to teach them about what it means to CTR! I am grateful for all of my kids and I hold them a little closer everyday!

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