Apr 28, 2008

Ashlee's Weekend Out

PhotobucketAshlee had a big weekend. She got to go the Grandma's and Papa's and going shopping and eating out for her B-day...Then had soccer and we went and eat at Carl's Jr on Sat. To follow that up she got to go Saturday afternoon and evening with Grandad to the HORSE EXPO. She had a ball. Her and her cousin Liv got their faces painted. WHAT FUN!!


Janetlee said...

Happy Birthday Ashlee! You are such a darling girl. We miss you!

Summer Freeman said...

Did she not wash her face for days?!!

Danette Bowen said...

Well the next day was Sunday so she didn't want to wear it to church. She said it didn't match her outfit...All Girl!

Janetlee said...

You've been tagged. Check out my blogsite for rules.